
用be sure to do sth造句,make sure to do sth造句

sacrifice造句 2023-12-09 15:33 111 墨鱼

用be sure to do sth造句,make sure to do sth造句

be sure to do sth 释义:一定会做某事;务必做某事例句:A. be sure to do sth.表示“必然做某事”或“一定会……”。be sure that:释义:肯定…;一定要做到;使有把握例句:关于be sure to do sth造句这个很多人还不知道,今天小源来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别是

(#`′)凸 17. be afraid /ready/able/sure to do害怕、准备、能够、确定做某事18. It' s time to do sth到该干某事的时候了19. My job is to do sth我的工作是做某事20. My dream is to d20. sb. is sure to do sth 某人一定/肯定做某事21. be sure + that-clause 确信,相信……22. make sure of /about sth 确保……23. make sure + that-clause 确保24. sb. run

be satisfied to do sth造句?sb.be satisfied with sth. 是对的。对…感到满意We’re sure you’ll be satisfied with this product. 我们确信你们会满意这个产品的。sth. be sa1、be sure of doing:做某事有把握be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事··~~~:)。本文分享完毕,希望对你有所帮助。

he is sure to be punished as he is such big a danger to public security,很好想的,上面几个都是初中老师经常造的句子.2. be sureto dosth,表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断,认为句子主语“必定”、“必然会”、“准会”。例如:It issure to rain. 天一定会下雨。He is sure

be sure to do sth造句1. I'll be sure to get there on time. 2. She'll be sure to call you back tomorrow. 3. We'll be sure to keep you informed of any changes. 4谁能用be sure to do sth.造句啊要稍微难一点的,有点水平的扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报You are sure to come he


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