

作为的英文 2023-12-19 10:27 582 墨鱼


我们该点菜了. 8. can i take your order? 您要点菜吗? 9. are you ready to order? 你要点菜了吗? 10. server : may i take your order? 要点菜吗? 11. server : are #VOAEC地道口语# 点菜就餐的典型次序Find a talbe to sit -- See the menu -- Order -- Have dinner -- Check and Leave 找桌子-看菜单-点菜-用餐—付钱-离开

May I take your order, sir? = Can I take your order, sir? 先生,点菜吗?Are you ready to order? 准备点菜了吗?Have you decided yet? 决定吃什么了吗?A:May I take your or你能帮忙推荐吗?Waiter: Do you have any preferences? 您有没有偏好?You: I'd like something light. 我想来点清淡的。Waiter: How do you like some mushroom soup and stir-f

a我帮你点菜可以吗I help you to order food may [translate] 英语翻译日语翻译韩语翻译德语翻译法语翻译俄语翻译阿拉伯语翻译西班牙语翻译葡萄牙语翻译意大利语a【摘要】Ezrin蛋白和HIF-1基因是近年来发现的均与肿瘤的发生和转移有关的癌基因,HIF-1在细胞缺氧环境中扮演重要作用,并能诱导其下游基因的表达,从而引起相应的代谢改变及提

点菜的英文:order dishes、choose dishes from a menu 一、order dishes 1、Because of the Lanquage problem, DurMay I take your order, madam? 请问您要吃点什么,夫人?Are you ready to order now? 可以点菜了吗?What would you like(to have)? 您想吃点什么?What dishes do you particular

?▂? 你能帮忙推荐吗?Waiter: Do you have any preferences? 您有没有偏好?You: I'd like something light. 我想来点清淡的。Waiter: How do you like some mushroom soup and stir-2、点菜What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么?Have you ordered yet? 你点过菜了吗?Is there any thing else, sir? 还有什么吗,先生?3、需要点菜Please take my order. 请点


标签: 请你帮个忙好吗英语



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