

confirmist 2023-11-26 23:32 912 墨鱼


Key Takeaways In Bitcoin, a confirmation means a transaction has been added to a block. Confirmations happen approximately every 10 minutes. Once added to a block, a tconfirmations 搜索confirmations[ə'bænd(ə)n]您的浏览器不支持audio 标签。n. 证实( confirmation的名词复数);证据;确认;基督教中的)坚信礼记忆法添加记忆法英文

Confirmationsalways come from the program and never from the user. 确认对话框总是来自程序,而不是用户. About Face 3交互设计精髓The bishop conducted a number ofcon英[kɒnfə'meɪʃ(ə)n]美[,kɑnfɚ'meʃən] n.确认;证实;证明;批准TOEFLCET6 使用频率:星级词汇:«1/ 3 »英文词源confirmation (n.) c. 1300,confyrmacyoun, the Church rite, from Ol

Twitter Google Share on Facebook confirmation (redirected fromconfirmations) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia verification:receive an e-mail confirmA rise in late confirmations accompanied the spike in trading last summer , suggesting that the plumbing still lacks scalability ( see chart ) . 上个夏季交易的峰

Last Updated: 29 Oct 2023 - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thou英语单词confirmations是confirmation的复数形式,表示“确认,证实,坚信礼”等意思。根据不同的语境,confirmations 可以翻译为“确认,确定,证实,肯定,坚信礼”等中文


标签: confirmation怎么记



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