
the only to,only

only to do造句 2023-12-06 20:41 769 墨鱼
only to do造句

the only to,only

if only 但愿,要是…就好了;只有,只要if and only if 当且仅当not only but 不但…而且the only adv.唯一的,仅有的not only prep. 1.不仅,不只only to 不料竟会,没想到会相only to 往往作状语,表示意料之外的结果,表示“结果却……”比如He raced through the living room, only to find the front door closed.他飞快地跑过起居室,却发现前门锁上了。A customer took

C.在这里only引导一个结果状语从句应该用to do.或者你可以把only to do做为一个固定结构,意为却.凡遇到这样的题,只要可以翻译成却.的都接to do请教英语达人:merely,simply,just,only 1.merely 仅仅,只不过4.only to仅仅为了5.no more than 只是zhidao.baidu|基于643个网页2. 却罪与罚bravado:

10、Dream what you want to dreams, go where you want to go, bewhat you want to be coz you have only one life and one chance to doall the things you want in life. 幻想你Quotes:The moment you recognize what is beautiful in this world, you stop being a slave.It's amazing. The moment you show cash, everyone knows your

the only修饰名词时,它后面习惯上可以加上动词不定式短语to do,动词不定式短语一般是用作后置定语的。例句:Mr. William is the only foreign friend to be present at the meeting16、My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there. 我只关心未来,因为我的余生都会在那里度过。17、Keep is cut and ground of disaster

╯▂╰ it was only too true 3 a : in the final outcome will only make you sick b : with nevertheless the final result won the battles, only to lose the war 4 a : as recently as : not only to用法"only to" 可以用来表示意外或意料之外的结果或情况。它通常表示在做某事的时候期望某个结果,但是却得到了不同的结果。例如:1. She worked hard for weeks, on


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