
like doing and,like to do and do

Like do和Like to do的区别 2023-12-23 13:33 690 墨鱼
Like do和Like to do的区别

like doing and,like to do and do

To do的to是不定式标记,但语义上还是有“趋于,趋向”,所以不定式偏“改变(change)”,而动名词doing是动词名词化,它偏”现实(actuality)”。通过例句来体会吧,【例句1】I like 1、like doing的用法舞钢市第一小学外研版小学英语五年级上册like doing 的肯定和否定用法exercisesi like playing like likes fishin

likedoing的用法舞钢市第一小学黄珺likedoing的肯定和否定用法exercises +d1【题文】Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? ( )A.他喜欢猜字谜和游泳吗?B.他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?2【题目】Does he like doing word puzzles and going hi

╯^╰〉 1. like doing sth长时间的喜欢做某事,指兴趣爱好。在意义上比较一般和抽象,不指某一次动作。e.g. I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。2. like to do sth想去看书和看电影用的是不同的动词(read 和watch)所以这里需要两个"doing"I like (climbing) small hills and big mountains. 我喜欢爬小山坡也喜欢爬大山坡、因

ing,并列网络释义1. 喜欢做某事小学二年级英语单词表be from / come from 来自;16. like to do sth /like doingsth喜欢做某事;10. 100. house 房子|基于16

Go round the classroom and greet them individually “Good morning, welcome back to school”then get them to greet other students in the same way. II like my major, cos I get sort of pleasure from doing. And I can apply it to my life. My Major is English, I like to talk to foreigner. I can see f


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