
take the easy,prevent

usa前面要加the吗 2024-01-03 11:20 216 墨鱼

take the easy,prevent

Interview: Paul O'Grady - I Would Rather Hang Myself Than Take It Easy. I Won't Be the Patron Saint of Dicky Hearts; EXCLUSIVE: PAUL Take the Easy Option ; INV英语释义avoid the difficult and choose the easy 网络英语释义1. Shirk the difficult and take the easy 2. to shirk the difficult and take the easy

●ω● 9. Take it easy, you will be all right in a couple of days.. 别担心,你两天之内就会痊的。10. It's trait is the appearance artful, easy to take. 它的特点是外观小巧11、take it easy 别急、沉住气、从容点Take it easy! Don't panic.沉住气!不要惊慌。12、take it/things easy 放松、休息、别过分劳累The doctor told me to take it easy for

作副词的easy 意为“小心,慢些,轻点”等,take it easy 中的easy 就是一个副词。那么take it easy 的字面意思就是慢慢来或别急,可以意为”别急;沉住气;从容点”等,常用作祈使句, Take it easy, don't let your emotions get the best of you.(要冷静点,不要让情绪控制你。- It's not worth getting upset about, just take it easy.(没必要为此生气,

ˋ△ˊ Take it easy. 的第三个意思是calm down,don't be nervous,“不要慌;别紧张”。Take it easy when you are on the stage. 上台不要紧张。Take it easy. 的第四个意思是Be gentle,take it easy基本解释不紧张;松懈;不生气;不激动等网络释义1. 不要紧张2. 别着急,别紧张3. 不紧张,放松,松懈4. 稳当的5. 别紧张。6. 别急7. 放松,别紧张8. 放松

Take it easy的口语用法1.用来提醒对方注意或小心,意为:注意;小心点!如:Take it easy;the road is icy.小心点,路上有冰。Take it easy",said Jim to the other boys carryitake the easy way out以省事的,但非最好的做法来回避困难take easy放松,别在意take it easy1.不着急,不紧张,从容不迫,轻松take things easy不紧张,慢慢来,从容不迫out o


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