

strength造句 2023-11-27 09:44 232 墨鱼


2.She succeeded with determination and hard work.她凭借决心和努力获得了成功。3.With determination and focus, she managed to complete the project on time.凭借决心22、Resolution isdetermination. It has nothing to do with the object ofdetermination, that's all. 23、Spectrophotometricdeterminationof cerium by d

ˇ△ˇ you can become whatever you want with determination 你可以创造自己的命运,只要下定决心。It's difficult to find with determination in a sentence. 用with determinadetermination造句1、Kjeldahldetermination 2、Herdeterminationnever wavered. 3、isotopic agedetermination 4、lead tolerancedeterminationapparatus 5

3.preliminarydeterminationof epicenter 初定震中-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考[网络]好评(10)差评() 4.regulatory statutes and regulations, the agency heads who will maWe haven't made any determination. 我们还没有做出任何决定。You can't help but admire her determination to succeed. 你不禁佩服她成功的决心Most successful people

单词determination 释义单词释义:决心;决定;查明[更多..] 单词造句Determination is the key to achieving success.(决心是实现成功的关键。例句:My determination to learn English has helped me improve my communication s

>0< determination造句如下:1. Her determination never wavered.她的决心从未动摇过。2. He showed great courage and determination.他表现得十分勇敢和果断。3. I determination造句复制1、I've always looked up to Bill for his courage anddetermination.(我一向佩服比尔的勇气和决心。2、Clad in their black sweatsuits, the Mar


标签: athlete造句



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