

where的副词是什么 2023-11-10 17:39 154 墨鱼


1. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint. 你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。2. I would like to see him stand for re-election. 我希望看到他竞选连任where用作从属连词,可引导地点状语从句,相当于in〔at, to〕the place,其前常有加强语气的词,如just, only, even, right等或否定词not,有时某些成分可以省略。where也可引导对比状

2、短语搭配:where else别的什么地方,其它的地方,甚么其他地方,别的啥地点。Where From由何处来,来自地点,始其实,此题的最佳答案应是C,where lives his uncle 为倒装词序,此句可改为and there lives his uncle 或and his uncle lives there。类似的如:He was led t

ˋ0ˊ where音标[hwєә] 读音汉语翻译ad. 在哪里pron. 哪里n. 地点相关词组:where it's at where sb is at 例句:Put it where we can all see it. 把它放在我们都看得见的地方Wheredja = where did you - 要找人的时候死活找不到,事情解决了才突然出现。满眼愤怒的问:Wheredja go? 看到人家啥好,一脸羡慕的说:Wheredja get it? Whadja = what did you - wha

ˋ▂ˊ 1. It got to the point where he had to leave. 到了他不得不走的地步。2. One more question and I'll leave you in peace. 再问一个问题,我就不打扰你了。where:那里;在哪儿,从哪儿;然而。三、词形变化:wear 1、动词过去式: wore。2、动词过去分词: worn。3、动词

Dodge a bullet 是动词短语结构,中文含义是“有意或无意地躲过一劫,九死一生”。例:The bank where 习惯用语Where from?■打哪里来?where it's (all) at■重大事件发生的地点;问题的核心所在where sb. is at■某人的处境;某人的实际情况Where to?■上哪儿去?考试词


标签: where词性



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