
be worth加名词,worth的固定搭配

worth的搭配 2023-12-04 20:42 737 墨鱼

be worth加名词,worth的固定搭配

Worth形式1:beworth+动名词(不加不定式)这个形式通常用于描述一个人或事物值得被关注或重视。例如:Sheisworthstudyingcarefully.(她值得我们仔细研究。Theissueisworthstube worth+n.结构中,当名词为金钱时,表示“……值……钱”。worth例句It's worth making an appointment before you go. 去之前预约一下是值得的。It was worth it to see

1、be worth +价格,The book is worth 3 元2、be worth +名词,如The problem is worth our efforts.这问题值得我们(花费)努力3、be worth +doing,The book is 可以表示被动含义。一个人值得尊重,当然是被尊重,所以说

(1) be worth 后可直接跟名词、代词或动名词。例:①The pictureis worth$500. 这幅画值500 美元。②The clockis hardly worthrepairing. 这台钟简直不值得1. worth:be worth + n.当名词为金钱时,表示……值得……be worth doing sth.……某事值得被做The question is not worth discussing again and again. 2.wo

1、be worth +名词例句:The dress is worth fifty dollars. 该衣服的价值是50美元。2、be worth +形容词+ ing 例句:It’s not worth considering. 这不值得一考虑。3、wor1、be worth doing sth.值得(做某事);有(做某事)的价值。be worth sth.用于“数量、持续时间等”的名词之后,

7. 集合名词cattle/clothes/police + are 8.She seems to be __B__, but as a matter of fact she is very clever. A. a girl of a fool B. a fool of a is worth 3 元2、be worth +名词,如The problem is worth our efforts.这问题值得我们(花费)努力3、be worth +doing,The book is worth reading.这本书值得一


标签: worth的固定搭配



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