

doesn't后面跟什么 2023-12-07 19:20 184 墨鱼


Yes,ithastodelivervalueandhelppeople,butitdoesn't have tobeasperfectasyouthink itdoes. 是的,它已经传递了自身的价值,起到了帮助人们的作用,因而它不需要成为你希望它完doesn't make sense行不通It doesn't matter to me我无所谓It doesn't matter.没关系。No, he doesn't have不,他没有it doesn't hurt to……也无妨,做某事有利But he do

˙▂˙ Mary Anndoesn'twant to have children. Not right now, anyway. 玛丽·安不想要孩子,至少现在不想。柯林斯例句There's something about the way he talks of her thatdoesShe doesn't live here any more. He doesn't seem very keen. He doesn't let such trifles worry him. He doesn't want to damage his reputation as a political personal

双语例句1. Politicsdoesn'tinterest me. 我对政治不感兴趣。《牛津词典》2. Thatdoesn'thappen very often. 那不常发生。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3. Shedoesn'toften 单词doesn't 例句大全,用单词doesn't造句:Doesn'tmean she isn't. 不意味着她不是Hedoesn'tbrag. wouldn't you brag? 他不吹牛,你不吹牛吗?Don't blame me if Sarahdoesn'

与doesn't 相关的例句:A politician who doesn't understand arts and humor can only bring a desert to people16、Whydoesn'tScala support statics? 17、What the eyedoesn'tsee and the minddoesn'tknow,doesn'texist. 18、Itdoesn'thave a lot of suds but we all kno


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