

英语点餐情景对话2人 2023-12-30 20:40 387 墨鱼


2 人餐厅点餐英语对话一W= Waiter P= Patron W: Hi, I'm George. I'll be your waiter this evening. Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes? 服务生:一、旅游英语对话1 A: Hello,Apple Garden Restaurant. How may I help you? B: Hi there,can I make a reservation for dinner tomorrow? A: Alright,just a

酒店订餐英语情景对话---Booking a table Waiter:Good morning .This is Garden Restaurant .What can I do for you? Tina:I' d like to reserve a table this2简单两人英语口语对话篇一Jack: What's up? Molly: Not much at all. Jack: What fun facts are we going to learn today? Molly: We are going to learn about sports. Jack: I

关于预定餐位英语对话:英语点餐情景对话1 (Clerk:接电话的职员;Me:我。Clerk:Hello,this is Susanin***(餐厅名).How may I helpyou? 职员:你好,我是***餐厅的Susan,请问有什么可一、旅游英语对话1 A: Hello,Apple Garden Restaurant. How may I help you? B: Hi there,can I make a reservation for dinner tomorrow? A: Alright,just a moment please, let m

∩▽∩ A:ok,but what vegetables would you like?B: i would like tomatoes, potatoes,and carrots.A: and would you like some soup?B.no, thanks.i don not like drink第一篇:酒店实习英语遵义师范学院历史系07级旅游管理本科班酒店实习常用英语整理人:王朝榆酒店英语口语学习---道歉语:27)I’m sorry.很抱歉。28)Excuse me


标签: 英语二人情景对话短文



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