
英文歌曲《柠檬树》歌词,柠檬树中文歌词 苏慧伦

lemon tree歌词打印版 2023-12-23 11:39 531 墨鱼
lemon tree歌词打印版

英文歌曲《柠檬树》歌词,柠檬树中文歌词 苏慧伦

7、谁有欧美流行英文歌曲柠檬树.的歌词歌手:KingstonTrio专辑:Epcollectionlemontreei msitingherinetheboring room justaanotherrainysundayafternooni mwastingmytime vegotnotto1、柠檬树英文歌是《Lemon Tree》歌词如下:Im sitting here in the boring room Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon Im wasting my time I got nothin

柠檬树英文版歌词完整版篇一Lemon Tree by Fools Garden Im sitting here in the boring room一个人无聊待在房间Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon在下雨的周日午后and all that i can see is just another lemon tree.我所有能够看见的只是另一株柠檬树。and all that i can see,我所有能够看见and all that i can see,我所有能够看见的

o(?""?o 柠檬树歌词坐在这毫无生气的房间里I'm sitting here in a boring room,It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon又是一个阴雨绵绵的周日下午I'm wasting my time I got noth1、柠檬树英文版歌词导语:Lemon tree最早由彼得、保罗与玛丽乐队所唱从而为世人所熟知。lemon tree的中文对照歌词Im sitting here in a boring room.我坐在这


标签: 柠檬树中文歌词 苏慧伦



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