

contribute to 2023-12-02 11:01 114 墨鱼
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应当是李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第1辑- to America. 是我们对美国说"不"的时候了。疯狂句型86supposed to (那)应当是……。docin|基于1 个网页suppose to 还常常用来表示你不情愿做的事情。比如:I shouldn't come with you to the cinema.I am supposed to doing the homework.这样说时,意味着我虽然应该做作业,不跟你去

同学你好,这句话的意思是结婚仪式并不复杂,但是应该认真。这个单词suppose的含义有很多,假设,应该,假定,设想,猜想等。这个词组suppose to是应该的意思。I suppose to stay f1、What am Isuppose todo? 2、Foreigner: Isuppose togo to Liu Lichang. 3、Yousuppose toteach her how to crawl. 4、You are notsuppose tostay home duri

∩0∩ be suppose to───假定to sth───对某事refer to sth───提到;谈及;指的是…查阅;提到,谈及,指的是,查阅,参考,参照prior to sth───在某事之前suppose thsuppose to S 开头单词回到顶部基本解释英汉例句词组短语基本解释认为是……英汉例句双语例句It is suppose to be working now but it remains like a log. 它应该可以

ˋ▂ˊ Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be usFinally, when you use supposed to in speech, note that the‘d’is not pronounced. It is pronounced suppose to. However, when you write it down, don’t forget the‘d’o


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