
at least造句简单,sometimes造句5个

no more造句简单 2023-12-24 10:21 114 墨鱼
no more造句简单

at least造句简单,sometimes造句5个

at least造句简单1.You should go at least once. 【翻译】你至少应该去一次。2.I resolved to visit my grandmother at least once a year. 【翻译】我决定每年至少要去15.at least至少,起码16.pay the bill 买单,付钱17.apologise to sb.向某人道歉18e round摆放(某人的家) 重点句子:1.I want you to get into the habit of

用英文Usually怎么造句子I'm not usually so late.我平常并不来得这样晚.2.We usually meet at six o'clock in the afternoon.我们通常下午六点钟会面.3.The mark-up on food in a 类型英语造句1、Most of the students sitat least 5 GCSEs.(大多数学生至少参加5门普通中等教育证书考试。2、He always hasat least two bodyguards in attendance.(他至

答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报l watch TV three time at least 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案(8) 特别推荐热点考点20222. Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.每天尽量至少吃4片面包。3. The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.政府提高了

lookat造句简单又好看1、她仰起头来才看见了本蒂克上尉。2、Icanlookforatleasttwocansofdelicacies.若吃午饭时,苇弟会来,则一定有两个罐头的希望。3、Shecrihave at least three apples.,0,you should finish your homework before playing games at least. 在玩游戏之前你至少得完成家庭作业。0,

ˋ▽ˊ 6、If you won't let me pay for a taxi, then at least allow me to lend you something 如果你不愿让我付出租车费,至少让我借点什么给你吧7、How the country will defend itsel单词at least 例句大全,用单词at least造句:All valid Passports must be haveat least6 months validity from the actual date sailing. 所有护照必须于出发日期计起,最少


标签: sometimes造句5个



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