

帮忙做家务短语英语 2023-12-27 14:21 155 墨鱼


关于做家务的英语单词:cook dinner,sweep the floor,wash the dishes,make the bed, do the laundry。词汇解析1、cook dinner 中文含义:做饭;做晚饭例句:I 关于做家务的英语单词:cook dinner,sweep the floor,wash the dishes,make the bed,do the laundry。词汇解析

做家务───do housework;帮忙───help 双语使用场景I oftendo houseworkand read books.───我通常做家务活和看书. Joanne: I really don't like todo housework. I w帮忙做家务的英文Help with housework help with的常见用法帮助(某人)做…用…来帮助;1. Jennie took in a lodger to help with the mortgage. 珍妮收了一个房客,以减轻

╯△╰ 4.do housework 做家务5.water the flowers 浇花6.clean the room 打扫房间7.set the table 摆碗筷8.wash clothes 洗衣服9.empty the trash 倒垃圾10.do the dishes 洗碗网络帮助做家务网络释义1. 帮助做家务英语题急_爱问知识人1.帮助做家务help to do the housework2.最使人不愉快的工作the unhappiest work iask.sina.cn|

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨60个做家务的单词,以及它们在家务劳动中的重要性。首先,家务劳动包括了许多不同的任务,例如清洁房间、整理杂物、洗衣服、做饭等等。这1.make the bed 铺床2.sweep the floor 拖地3.wipe the table 擦桌子4.do housework 做家务5.water the flowers 浇花6.clean the room 打扫房间7.set the table 摆碗筷8.wa

+△+ 帮忙做家务的英语怎么说---Doing housework Son:Dad .Can I go outside to play? Dad:Well, did you get your Saturday' s work done? Son:Ah, Dad .Do I have to? Dad:Well, you k解析help parents to do housework at home 望采纳,谢谢结果一题目在家帮父母做家务的英语单词怎么写? 答案help parents to do housework at home 望采纳,谢谢相关推


标签: 家务的英语单词



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