

幽默风趣的英语小故事 2023-11-13 18:19 958 墨鱼


英语脱口秀稿子一分钟六年级I’ve completely lost in a make-believe world. I saw Snow White triumph the evil queen with seven dwarfs. I saw the Sleeping beauty woken up by the kiss ofTrevor Noah是南非人,听不同的口音也是学英语的一部分哦。他的秀政治意味重,比较有深度。7. 今年艾美奖最佳脱口秀得主Last week with John Oliver 也是英国人主持的美国脱口秀

╯0╰ 一分钟英语脱口秀演讲稿篇一:一分钟英语演讲稿T-shirt As it is warmer and warmer nowadays, most people have their T-shirts on, just like all the clot《上周今夜秀》是时下美国评分最高的政治类脱口秀,每集30分钟,每期一个话题,由长相囧囧、一笑两个酒窝的英国人囧橄榄John Oliver 担纲主持。看点千万别被囧橄榄的憨笑和酒窝骗到

Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you. Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream——about life. 我很荣幸站在这里给大家儿童英语脱口秀稿子一分钟简单Good morning everyone,today is my turn to the speech. First of all, I would like to say that a quick test, we hope that

ゃōゃ 导语:以下是一分钟脱口秀段子幽默精选,内容如下:2、一个不成熟的男人和一个不成熟的女人,注定是一场闹剧;一个不成熟的女人和一个成熟的男人,也许是一场正剧;一个成熟的女人和一个成一分钟英语脱口秀潘仁森( “英语脱口秀”(English Talk Show) Talk Show is the art of blurting out! 脱口秀就是脱口而出的艺术!Blurting out is the best way to learn a

大家好,既然让我来表演才艺,那我就来段脱口秀吧,说说我一个朋友的一天。我相信人应该早睡早起,利用早晨的时间多做一些有意义的事情,比如睡个回笼觉。(哎,此处应有掌声,带动the other night dear,as i lay sleeping,亲爱的,一天晚上我正在躺着睡觉i dreamt i held you in my arms,我梦见你在我的臂弯when i awoke dear,i was mistaken,


标签: 简单英语脱口秀一分钟



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