

clerk用英语造句初中 2023-11-11 11:08 240 墨鱼


1. I parked my car in the parking lot before going shopping. (我在去购物前把车停在停车场里。2. The parking lot was full, so I had to find another place to park28、Use stairs, park at end ofparkinglot. 29、You should save some money onparkinghere.

A project to build a shopping mall had to be redesigned after the discovery of an ancient Roman temple beneath the site of a planned parking lot. 英文框架:A project to xWe have to understand that easy to tell people that do not match the location for parking. 我们要简单明了地告诉人们,比赛地点不设停车场。money.zhishi.sohu 6

1、Parking is not allowed during the hours of darkness. 2、No parking beyond this point. 3、The parking areas in the town are few, but strategicallyNo parking造句1、It says, “No parking.”2、No parking except for loading 3、No parking within the hospital precincts. 4、Because it says, 'No pa

⊙0⊙ parking造句复制1、They spent half the time looking for aparkingspace.(他们花了一半的时间寻找停车位。2、If you're travelling by car, ask whether there areparki单词parking 例句大全,用单词parking造句:ParkingArea. 车辆停车场AmbulanceParking. 救护车停靠处parkingarea sign. 停车场标志roofparkingarea. 屋顶停车场commonpark

1. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. 停车是个很大的问题,城市中以及城市周围的交通也是个很大的问题。2. There is plenty of par1、Ample undergroundparking lotavailable for parking needs. 2、Let's look for aparking lot. 3、The path leads to theparking lot. 4、We pulled into t


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