
turn…into造句,have the pleasure of doing造句

be in造句 2023-11-08 22:10 378 墨鱼
be in造句

turn…into造句,have the pleasure of doing造句

11、If fate is a insensate stone, I willturn intoa big hammer and hit it into pieces! 12、Get involved in creative projects that couldturn intomoneymturn into的意思是“变成”,用法例句有:Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance(永远不要让你的坚持和激情变成固执和无知)。一、turn into

turn into造句复制1、Differences can oftenturn intodelight.(区别往往能带来快乐。2、How did itturn intothis?(怎么会变成这样? 3、Theyturn intothis street.(他们用turn into造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析water turn into ice 水变成冰结果一题目用turn into造句答案water turn into ice 水变成冰相关推荐1用turn into造句反

turn into造句1、To turn into an automaton. 2、Water can turn into ice. 3、They turn into this street. 4、奥运健儿奋力拼搏,争创人间奇迹;新海学子刻苦用turn into造句用用turn into造句:1、Water turn into ice水变成冰. 2、I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine我想我得停下来了,否则我就会变成一台

1、I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine 我想我得停下来了,否则我就会变成一台机器。2、The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war The cheater boasted that he could turn stone into gold. 那个骗子吹嘘道,他能点石成金。


标签: have the pleasure of doing造句



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