
用havefun造句子,be good with造句

have的意思有几种 2023-12-06 13:46 801 墨鱼

用havefun造句子,be good with造句

单词have fun 例句大全,用单词have fun造句:Have funwith it. 开开玩笑。Have fun. 玩得开心点。Play andhave fun. 游戏寻开心。Ihave funin sports. 我热爱运动。Have 7. have fun doing sth. I have fun working in my garden. 我在花园中工作很有趣。8. have problem doing sth. 做某事遇到困难They had problem repairing the door. 他们修门时

用fun造句子Fun意味着乐趣,意味着创意,意味着无尽的可能性。生活中充满了无数的疲惫和挑战,但你可以通过寻找快乐和乐趣来赋能自己。可能只需要抽出一些时间和朋友一起做一些有趣1. " Oh, let's have fun,'she begged him. " It's too hot to fuss. "“哦,咱们高高兴兴地玩吧,”她央求他,“天太热了,别闹吧. ”2. You will have fun rea

⊙﹏⊙ 用havefun造句子简单1、Live to have fun.(快快乐乐地生活。2、I want always to be a little boy and to have fun.(我想永远做一个小男孩,开心地玩。3、You'll probablyhave fun造句复制1、Live tohave fun.(快快乐乐地生活。2、I want always to be a little boy and tohave fun.(我想永远做一个小男孩,开心地玩。3、You'll probablyhave funin life.(你将能

20、God said, you either have the power, orhave fun. Both can not be both. 21、Local residents have learned to adapt andhave fundespite the cold weat因此我建议大家在造句时,先找到句子的主干(也就是主谓,主谓宾和主系表),一般找句子主干,优先找谓语动词,谓语动词前面的不就是主语嘛,主谓搞定了,主干也就搞定了。所以找主干的关键


标签: be good with造句



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