
c contributive的用法和例句,consider

西班牙语con用法 2023-11-17 16:52 863 墨鱼

c contributive的用法和例句,consider

contributing factor contribution distribu contribution in money contribution link contribution margin c contribution year contributiontogrossdo contributivecontri同义词:conducive, contributing, contributive, tributary 例句:Making additions or yielding supplies; contributory. 附属的,纳贡的附加的或进贡的,贡献的The company

contributive adj.有助的,促成的;contributory adj.促成的,捐助性的。【典型考题】Everyone is encouraged to ___ food and clothing for the refugees.A attLast Updated: - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more d

Before total contribution, foreign investors can only benefit from the project on the basis of their actual contributive proportion.───外国投资者在缴清出资前,双语例句用作形容词(adj.) History will remember the contributive people in world anti-fascist war forever, always remember the people gave their bodies and blood

≥ω≤ contributive 音标[kәn'tribjutiv] 读音汉语翻译a. 贡献的,促成的,助长的英语解释:形容词contributive: tending to bring about; being partly responsible for 同义词:contributing, contributive, contributory, tributary, 例句与用法1. Fresh air is conducive to health .新鲜空气有利于健康。2. It teaches ethi

contributive volume_up 出资的[chū zī de]{形} contributive(又作:favorable) volume_up 有助的[yǒu zhù de]{形} contributive(又作:contributing,dedicative) volume_uconductive=contributive 有助于的configuration=form 布局,结构configuration=arrangement 布局,结构confine=limit 限制confront=face 面临congeal=so


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