

失物招领的英语作文怎么写 2023-12-09 19:48 424 墨鱼


Thank you very much for your attention! 失物招领启事英语作文篇8 Our lost and found will record stuff for three months .So what kind of stuff you lo1. Lost and Found I lost my wallet on the bus yesterday. It contains my ID card, credit card and some cash. If anyone found it, please contact me as soo

失物招领处的英语作文你捡到了一个电子词典,为找到失主,请写一个失物招领通知You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner. Write a noti写失物招领的英语作文1: This afternoon, I found a handbag in the playground. There is a pen, a notebook and keys in it. Besides, there is a wallet with credit cards and

失物招领的范文英语第1篇Lost I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month. Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycl一、失物招领1. 假如你是李静,于周二下午在学校阅览室捡到书包一个,里面有三本英语书和一本旧字典。请写一份失物招领,写五句话包含以上信息,不得使用真实姓名

以下是关于有关失物招领的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:About lost and found I lost my bag on my way to work this morning. There is a binner key 失物招领初中英语作文及翻译1 When I came to school this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gat


标签: lost作文初一英语50字



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