

思考的英文 2023-12-13 10:20 129 墨鱼


英文翻译critically ill with a little breath 成语正音奄,不能读作“yān”;一,不能读作“yì”。成语辩形奄,不能写作“淹”或“掩”。成语辩析见“气息奄奄”、“岌英语词典奄奄一息/ yan yan yi xi / yan yan yi xi 1.at one's last gasp; on one's deathbed; on the point of dying; on the verge of death; within an inch of life;

回答:奄奄一息[yǎn yǎn yī xī] [释义] 奄奄:呼吸微弱的样子。只剩下一口气。形容临近死亡。出处] 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第八十七回:“惠王亲往问疾;见痤病势已重;奄奄4.on the blink如果是:他奄奄一息是.he is dying

「be on your/its last legs」的意思是“濒临死亡、奄奄一息、行将就木、快不能用了”,英文释义为“to be going to die or stop functioning very soon; to be very weak or in bad日本物理学界,先是由于日本对中国的侵略,接着又由于对盟国的战争,也被弄得奄奄一息。He was more dead than alive. 他已经奄奄一息了。The fox lay dying in a pool of g

on its last legs 奄奄一息今日金句1.I’ve had this laptop for five years now,and it’s really on its last legs. 这个笔记本我用了快五年了,的确是快要报废了。2.The compan沪江词库精选奄奄一息英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息(adj) dying at one's last gasp 相似短语be dying to 极想;渴望be dying of…得要命;…得要死;…极了

奄奄一息[yan yan yi xi,] 英语字典:奄(yan,)奄(yan,)一(yi,)息(xi,) “奄奄一息”的英语翻译词典解释yan yan yi xi 1.at one's last gasp; on one's deathbed; on the pdying奄奄一息的。dead已经死去的。例句:1.Hisfatherdiedlastweek.2.Shecriedoutafterknowinghishusband'sdeath.3.Hefoundadeadbirdinthegarden.4.Thedyingmanwassavedbyakind-heartedlady. 164


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