

hamper造句 2023-12-31 20:38 390 墨鱼


hacker的造句和例句:1. I had a few tricks up my sleeve for getting to hackers我知道几个抓骇客的技巧2. It ' s from a hacker friend of mine in moscow我在莫斯科的一hacks造句1、Enough ugly hacks. 2、Network floods, hacks, and attacks. 3、But the hacks are getting anxious. 4、The publisher paid his hacks low. 5

∪﹏∪ hackers造句1、WHICH countries have the cleverest hackers? 2、Some teenagers regard hackers as heroes. 3、And hackers are invariably smart-alecks. 4hacker attack的造句和例句:1. Network security protection from hacker attacks 保护网络安全,免受黑客攻击。2. Prevent virus / hacker attacking to server and pc 防

>△< 1、Some members of this breed ofhackereventually go corporate.(这类黑客中的某些人最终投向了企业的怀抱。2、I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics18、Thehackercame smack up against the company's policy of keeping its records in code. 19、My colleague Francis Crick used to say that God is ahac

+ω+ "hacker" 这个词有多种含义,下面是几个用"hacker" 造句的例子:1. 黑客攻击:近年来,黑客攻击事件频繁发生,给企业和个人造成了巨大的损失。2. 黑客文化:黑客文化强调自由、黑客造句“黑客”的解释黑客[hēi kè] 黑客(泛指擅长IT技术的人群、计算机科学家)黑客是一个中文词语,皆源自英文hacker,随着灰鸽子的出现,灰鸽子成为了很多假借黑客名义控制他人电脑的黑客技术,

比起cse的机器学习课程更为深入和全面,cse系的机器学习课程上,用的编程软件是Matlab,考试难度稍高点用hacker造句用hacker造句:I had a few tricks up my sleeve for getting to hackers.©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库协议| 网站地图|


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