
send the email,email的固定搭配

send邮件 2023-12-30 15:00 708 墨鱼

send the email,email的固定搭配

老实说,翻译成send the email,在外企是要同事笑话的,这说明你基础真的不好。Send email 说的是“发邮件”,不是“转发”。所谓的“转发”,是说邮件原本不是你写,你收到之后,要转发其send 如果+the 则必须是上文提到过的不然直接写send email就可以了,不要定冠词,要不你可以加an或send emails

Note that if you haven’t saved your email yet, Gmail will prompt you to do so before scheduling the email. Save the message as above, and then re-select your time to s发邮件大家帮忙翻译一下_百度知道48. this year 今年49.send an email发邮件50. He sings very well. 他歌唱得很好。zhidao.baidu|基于7个网页更多释义例句

Send Email This free tool lets you simply send an email message Slide to Send About us Every day over 100,000 free email messages are sent from our servers, makin网络发电子邮件;发送电子邮件;发送邮件网络释义1. 发电子邮件外研版初一英语下知识要点13. read the newspaper 看报纸14.send emails发电子邮件16. fly to sw. 飞往

∩△∩ same message to multiple people, you can use the 'Cc' field, which stands for 'carbon copy.' The 'Cc' field enables you to send the email to multiple recipients wSend this email out to the users.───将email发送给用户。It took us an hour to send this email. = We spent an hour sending this email.───我们花了一个小时发这

. However, there is an overall email size limit (above 10MB) that will prevent cards from being created via email. If this happens, your mail servemail:sb | ~ sth (to sb/sth) | ~ (sb) sth(BrE) 用电子邮件传送;发电邮给。3、例句比较:Her music always sen


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