
how many lights are there翻译,howmany中文谐音怎么读

brown翻译成中文 2023-11-18 14:12 510 墨鱼

how many lights are there翻译,howmany中文谐音怎么读

3. —How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?—Three. 三口人。4. —How much is this dress? 这条连衣裙多少钱?—It’s ninety-nine yuan. 九十九元。afive mangoes 五个芒果[translate] a没关系,改天吧Has not related, another day[translate] ahow many traffic lights are there in every aantry 正在翻译,请等待[tr

how many rectangle are there翻译

ˇ▽ˇ 1、六上英语新教材中英文翻译Unit1HowcanIgetthere?我能怎么到那里?Hey,Robin.Whereisthesciencemuseum?你好,罗宾,科学博物馆在哪里?Itsnearthelibrary.在图书馆旁边。Isee.HowcanIg—There are sixty teachers in our school. 60名。7. How many bags do you have? We have seventy bags. 你有多少书包?我们有70个书包。Unit 3 What subje

how many are there的翻译

【答案】How many traffic lights are there in every country?【核心短语/词汇】three:三【翻译】每个国家都有三个交通信号灯。【解析】画线部分是数量,用how many提问,后跟three

how many left翻译

There are too many cars in the street, Tina!街上有太多的小汽车,蒂娜!OK. Let's take the metro.好的。让我们乘地铁。④They get to the cinema by metro,b—There are six lights. A.there areB.are thereC.is there 试题答案【答案】B 【解析】句意:—教室里有多少灯?—有6盏。lights是复数用are,问句are放到there前,故选B。

how many cows on the farm翻译

Sarah: How do we get there?我们怎么到那儿?Mrs Smith: By bus.乘公共汽车。4Write and say部分翻译From从……起;始于How?怎样?To到China中国USA美国your school你的学校ahow many traffic lights are there? 多少个红绿灯有没有?translate]


标签: howmany中文谐音怎么读



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