

catch to 2024-01-06 22:42 296 墨鱼
catch to


catch短语汇总1. Catch a glimpse of - 瞥见2. Catch one's breath - 喘息3. Catch on - 变得流行4. Catch up with - 赶上5. Catch hold of - 抓住6. Catch fire - 着10. catch the scent of sth.:嗅到某物的气味此外,catch还可以与其他动词进行搭配,构成更为复杂的动词短语。其中一些常见的搭配包括:1. catch up with sth.:追上某物2. catch on:理

1. Catch up with:这个短语的意思是“赶上”,通常用于描述某人在赛跑、竞争或工作等方面迎头赶上别人的情况。例如:“Tom ran faster and finally caught up with his competitor1、catch out v.发觉…有错误(或做坏事)2、catch up v.赶做(某事)3、catch up with sb v.对…产生恶果,罪有应得4、catch out v.刁难,拆穿5、catch out v.(未料到的事)使…处于困难

1. catch a bus 赶上巴士2. catch my breath 调整呼吸3. catch a chill / cold 患风寒/ 感冒4. catch a thief 抓贼5. catch fire 着火6. catch sight of 看见7. catch1. catch a bus(赶上巴士) 例:They were just in time to catch the bus. (他们很及时的赶上了巴士。2. catch my breath(调整呼吸) 例:I stopped running to catch my breath


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