
rich money,Richtofen

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rich money,Richtofen

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Sada Baby Flow (Explicit) 播放添加到歌单02:53 Sada Baby Flow (Explicit) 10 Greatness (feat. Virgo & Rich Money) (Explicit) 播放添加到歌单02:10 Money Power & Lierich 显示所有例句adj. 钱多with a lot of money 1. 富有的;富裕的having a lot of money or property 2. 富庶的;富饶的producing a lot of wealth so that many of its pe

例句2:He has inherited a great deal of money and is now very wealthy.他继承了大量的遗产,现在变成了富翁。二、rich跟wealthy类似,是指金钱、财物或财源等比正常的要多的含rich kid 富二代02. “富一代”英语怎么说?富一代a self-made+ 名词白手起家的xxx a self-made entrepreneur 白手起家的企业家a self-made bussinessman 白手起家的商人另外,

≥▂≤ 加载(俚语)Well-to-do富裕Opulent富丽堂皇Deep-pocketed财力雄厚In the money大赚一笔Well-fixed手头宽裕的Moneyed有钱的A big list of 140+ different words to use instead ofnew money/rich:指“富一代”,自己创业发家,交际时不看重对方身份,更愿意捐钱,也会花钱买豪车,别墅,消费型。比如扎克伯格就是一个new money, 他会花三千万美元在自己家旁边再买四


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