

sth怎么读 2023-11-18 14:52 910 墨鱼


美英na.偶然(opp. on purpose) 网络偶然地;意外;不小心英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 偶然(opp. on purpose)3、by chanceby accident 偶然; 恰巧4、by by accident 偶然5、By Happy Accident 好巧合6、rendered helpless by an accident 因出事故而束手无策; 详细翻译

by accident 读音汉语翻译偶然例句:The gun went offby accident. 那枪走火了。By accidentof birth (ie Because of where he happened to be born) he is entitled to It was discoveredbyaccident. 伟哥是偶然间发现的。You 're not reading thisbyaccident. 你读到这篇文章并不是偶然的。This doesn 't happenbyaccident; it happens by d

ˋ▂ˊ by accident 的翻译by accident[bai ˈæksidənt] 释义:偶然;不小心例句:Many a bright idea has been hit on by accident. 许多好主意都是偶然想到的.换一句Bahman Jamshidi EiniAbbas SaghaeiS. Hossein HosseiniAli Hamedanian Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013), 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Dec 2013

by accident的意思、解释by accident 基本解释误;偶然地;不经意by accident 反义词副词on purpose by accident 相关例句ph. 1. He met Tom by accident. 他偶然遇到汤听听怎么读英[bai ˈæksidənt] 美[baɪ ˈæksɪdənt] 是什么意思释义偶然地;误;不经意;学习怎么用双语例句The traffic accident was born almost accidentally


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