

失物招领英语作文初一简单 2023-11-14 15:22 540 墨鱼


英语寻物启事篇1 Lost I lost a yellow handbag in the school libraty yesterday.There are the keys to my bedroom and my bike,my student ID card,pens and some money 寻物启事英语作文及翻译【篇一】I lost my wallet with carelessness on my way to school this morning. Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ticket. Wil

ゃōゃ 假如你丢了钥匙,寻物启事这样Hello, everyone ,Yesterday,I couldn't find my key。I think I have lost it. 。If anyone find it ,Please return it to me. M寻物启事英语范文1 Lost: I lost my pen.It is black. I lost it in the school on January 1st. If you find it, please call me at 344-2988.My name is Mary. Thank you

英语作文寻物启事40词假如你丢了钥匙,寻物启事这样Hello, everyone ,Yesterday,I couldn't find my key。I think I have lost it. 。If anyone find it ,Ple寻物启事英语作文1 I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about

统考英语b作文(一) 说明:假如你是王琳,因为骑车不小心摔倒,导致腿部受伤,需向班主任张老师请三天假。请写一则请假条,内容包括:1) 请假原因;2) 请假日期:4 月8-10 日;3) 落下的篇1:寻物启事英语作文及翻译I lost my wallet with carelessness on my way to school this morning. Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ti


标签: 招领启事标准范文



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