

生活环境的英语短语 2023-11-20 22:39 510 墨鱼


生活环境差可以用以下英语表述:1. Poor living conditions 2. Unsanitary living environment 3. Inadequate housing 4. Overcrowded living space 5. Lack of basic amenit生活环境[sheng huo huan jing,] 英语字典:生(sheng,)活(huo,)环(huan,)境(jing,) “生活环境”的英语翻译词典解释sheng huo huan jing 1.surroundings; environment; a

ahealthy beauty series 健康秀丽系列[translate] aYour current list of in-transit 您的当前名单在途中[translate] ahe goes to bed very late. 他非常后上床。translate]生活环境,living environment 1)living environment生活环境1.Issues of the living conditions, base of development and current situation ofliving environmentin China

沪江词库精选生活环境英语怎么说及英文翻译、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息habitat habitation 相似短语habitat complex生境混合作用,生境总体natural habitat自然栖息地,自美英un.生存环境;生活环境网络居住环境;人居环境;住宿环境英汉网络释义un. 1. 生存环境2. 生活环境

生活环境英语环境问题近年来日益受到人们亩视,甚至也成了普通人们街头巷尾经常讨论的问题。常用表达法I .Earth Day should be every day. 每天都应该是“地球日”。2. Breathin1、环境用英语的说法:environment; surroundings; circumstances; ambient; closeness; ambience; ambiance; atmosphere。2、人类生存的空间及其中可以直接或

绿色生活保护环境的英语作文篇1 We live in the same earth, a total of a piece of blue sky. We live in the same round sun, with a Shared their homes. Green is the color o环境的英文:1.environment; conditions; circumstances environment是什么意思:n. 情况、环境等;自然环境This material is recyclable and will not pollute t


标签: 环境一般分为哪几种



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