

achieve造句简单并翻译 2023-12-04 19:58 756 墨鱼


It's difficult to find injure in a sentence. 用injure造句挺难的Ce serait faire injureà Dieu que de le supposer autrement. François Delor, Homosexualité, ordre accidentally injure造句1、Toddlers can accidentally injure or alarm dogs (eg by falling on them) and startled dogs may react impulsively, lashing ou

╯△╰ 21、Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight orinjurehim. 22、Exceeding the platelet safe volume limitainjure造句1. The car accident injure the driver's leg. 2. The athlete was afraid to injure his ankle during the game. 3. The knife injure the chef's finger while

英文例句大全为您提供injure英文例句大全,词语injure造句,关于injure的句子,injure怎么造句,injure英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于injure,injure的句子,injure如何造句,描injure造句1. He was badly injured in the car accident and had to be rushed to the hospital. 2. The athlete's knee was injured during the game and he had to sit o

To injure or damage by freezing. 冻伤由于冰冻造成的伤害或损伤An ambulance officer bring a stretcher for the injure woman. 救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女injure造句类型英语造句1、Parents should avoid criticizing children in public places for it mightinjure their pride.(父母应该避免在公众场合批评孩子,因为这可能会伤

二、injure"用英语造句?injured 是受伤的意思the injured is badly hurt 三、my hand hurts和my hands hurt区别?① 区别就是两者意思是不一样,具体的不同如1.harm; hurt; injure; impair 四、【短语造句】1. 它上边的毒伤害不了它们。2. 他在战争中深受毒气伤害。3. 他过去曾伤害过别人吗?4. 他带着受伤害的神情看着她。5. 鸡冠有时


标签: distance造句简单



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