
导入是lead in 还是leading in,while reading

leading 2023-11-20 13:13 451 墨鱼

导入是lead in 还是leading in,while reading

Lead in 是导入,导入可以是任何与课文有关的东西,然后帮助进入新课。warming-up是热身活动,热身的内容不一定跟课文有关……诶,偶的个人理解。1. Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .2. Go over the new words . 教学后记:Period 2 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetin

(一)导入(lead in) Hello.boys and girls!Look at the picture ,(出示河马头饰)He is Mr Hippo,he is a teacher.Today he willtake us to visit his school.Guleadinto Weneedtospendsometimeleadingintoaquestion.我们需要花费一些时间引入到一个问题上。3 leadto leadto“导致、通向”Smokingcanleadtocancer.抽烟可能导致癌症。4 l

●^● Lead-in主要有两大目的,一是导入文章主题,二是吸引学生兴趣,却并不会对文章内容做出探讨。而pre-reading的主要目的则在于预测文章大意,是对文章进行一个初步接Ⅰ.Leading in Good morning boys and girls, glad to see you again, welcome to my class. Today we are going to learn the new lesson, the Unit 10 《No

˙^˙ 1、热身Warming- up。2、导入Leading-in。3、展示Presentation。4、预习Preview。5、复习Review。6、操练Pract导入英文:leading-in 引入英文:import 词汇解析1、lead 英[li:d;led];美[lid; lɛd]n. 领导;铅;导线;榜样vt. 领导;致使;引导;指挥vi. 领导;导


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