
have to同义词,trip同义词

travel同义词 2023-11-11 18:38 325 墨鱼

have to同义词,trip同义词

Copyright © 2023 查题吧All Rights Reserved蜀ICP备14004987号have something to do with 和…有关something to do with 同有关have got on 穿着,戴着,有事在手头,已经安排要做got something over with 完成,做完have got

have to可以有分词、动名词、不定式等形式,而must则没有这些形式。如:I hate to have to get up in the morning. 我真不愿意早上非得起来不可。I don’t enjoy having to We have to adapt our thinking to the new circumstances. adopt vt. 采用They have adopted close planting. 类似的动词还有:inquire vt. 打听,询问requi

解析must have to是"不得不"的意思must 是"必须"的意思,一般情况下可以通用.结果一题目have to 的同义词是什么?答案must have to是"不得不"的意思must 是"必须"的意therefore的同义词例句:1. We have to discover his plans and act accordingly. 我们得找出他的计划,照着办。2. Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly

know的同义词辨析:know, learn, comprehend, understand 这些动词都含"懂,知道,明了"之意。know : 普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接15. UK companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive. 英国公司如果想要保持竞争力就不得不面对严峻的选择。excellent的同义词例句2 1. The house commanded s

have to 的同义词是什么你好,你可以用“had better do sth”来表示,“最好做某事”,希望能够帮到你,祝你学习进步!happy,英文单词,主要用作为形容词和名词,作形容词时意为“幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的”,作名词时意为“人名(Happy);(英、瑞典、喀)哈皮”。下面让我们看看happy的同义词有哪些?happy有


标签: trip同义词



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