

qualification造句 2023-12-04 21:17 995 墨鱼


One of the girls had a father who is an archaeologist. 有一个学生的父亲就是一位考古学家。The archaeologist has to get special permission to open uThis is like anarchaeologist's dream. 这真是每个考古学家所梦寐以求的事。My uncle is a nonprofessionalarchaeologist. 我叔叔是个业余考古学家。He is very clever. h

4. One of the girls had a father who is anarchaeologist. 有一个学生的父亲就是一位考古学家. 来自辞典例句5. In 1949 a Mexicanarchaeologistbegan an excavation that exploded the temple archaeologist 双语例句1. archaeologist什么意思1. He also thanked the superiors of the Custody, the archaeologist Fr Eugenio Alliata and the architect Fr. Albert

本篇文章,是炎哥整理的2015年5月9日的综合写作真题解析。文章主要有3个作用/目的:1- 迅速找到Reading Material最关键的信息2- 准确记录Listening细节信息3- 做题的正确顺序全篇预计阅读时间:1、Job Prospects: Virtual archaeologist. 2、It depends on which archaeologist you ask. 3、The archaeologist unearthed a buried treasure last year. 4

archaeologist的造句和例句:1. Foreign archaeologists are arriving one after another .外国的考古学者们联翩而至。2. One of the girls had a father who is an archaeo12、Cleaning away the waterlogged site overlying the timbers,archaeologistsrealized its true nature. 13、He saysarchaeologistscould dig here for anot

archaeologist造句复制1、archaeologistEmiliano Gallaga said the tomb dates to between 500 and 700 B.C..(考古学家说,埃米利亚诺gallaga墓日期是500至公元前700年。2archaeologist例句用作名词(n.) One of the girls had a father who is an archaeologist.有一个学生的父亲就是一位考古学家。The archaeologist has to get special permi


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