

怎么写失物招领启事 2023-11-14 18:08 944 墨鱼


1、认识同字,左耳刀,角丝旁。“门、”等三个偏旁。级、队:左窄右宽) 队:左耳刀。专:点在横中线. 2、练习写字篇19:失物招领说课稿各位领导、老师:大家好!失物招领启事英语作文篇1 On the evening of January 4th, 20xx, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading-room on the 3rd floor of the n

失物招领范文50字(第1篇) 今本人在XX街XX店附近拾到钱包一个,红色皮质,短款,里面有现金及卡若干,里面有身份证名字叫,请该失主看到后速与本人联系。联系电话133一.指导思想2008年是**大学迎接教育部本科教学评估的关键一年,在新的一年里,安徽大学学生会将坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实科学

篇一:失物招领英语作文hen I came toschool this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printingon the ground of school gate.I was 失物招领启事篇1 尊敬的业主/住户:您好!我司安管人员于xxx年4月11日晚上十点半左右在阳光美加二期xx居大门口文化广场(即2-3栋间)拾到一部儿童自行车,请失主移步到xx居住户

英语失物招领启事范文50字第1篇On the evening of January 4th, 20xx, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading-room on the 3rd floor of 一、失物招领1. 假如你是李静,于周二下午在学校阅览室捡到书包一个,里面有三本英语书和一本旧字典。请写一份失物招领,写五句话包含以上信息,不得使用真实姓名

你捡到了一个电子词典,为找到失主,请写一个失物招领通知You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner. Write a notice of Lost and Found 英语失物招领作文50字篇1 this afternoon, i found a handbag in the playground. there is a pen, a notebook and keys in it. besides, there is a wallet with credit cards a


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