
adolescence造句,carve out造句

peculiar造句 2023-12-11 15:17 735 墨鱼

adolescence造句,carve out造句

It's a retreat into theadolescencethey never really had. 这是对他们从不曾真正拥有的青春时代的回归。英文例句大全为您提供adolescence英文例句大全,adolescence英文造Adolescence is no time to be lulled to sleep. 青春期不是让人哄着入睡的时候了。Can excessive masturbation affect adolescence long? 青春期过度手淫会

≥△≤ adolescence造句复制1、My own research at the Stanford Center onadolescenceuses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale surv8、You can't have all theseadolescentdreams. 9、Her remarks seemed a bitadolescent. 10、These chemicals put the scent inadolescent! 11、Genetic epide

adolescences的造句和例句:1. It is still in the turbulent years of adolescence . 它还处在青春活力汹涌澎湃的年代。2. It is said to be characteristic of adolescencSome people become very self-conscious inadolescence. 有些人在青春期会变得异常害羞。柯林斯高阶英语词典Psychologists are dealing with the problem of maladjusteda

我的理解比较简单粗暴,GMAT就是考察考生在具备一定的语言基础(词汇:8K-1W,长难句理解能力)能否具备24、Because it was in itsadolescencethen, still innovating quickly with a fresh and growing population of users always looking for something new. 25


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