
be awkward about,beabout to的用法

be to 2023-11-25 16:19 578 墨鱼
be to

be awkward about,beabout to的用法

be awkward about 对感到尴尬。翻译:爸爸为他一闪而过的恐惧而感到有点尴尬。Awkward ['ɔːkwəd] or ['ɔkwɚd] 解释:(adj.) socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner; 'awkward and reserved at parties'; 'ill at ease among ed

但是difficult 不仅形容事情,还形容人;不过当它形容人时,已经不是“困难”等意思了,因为你总不能说:“我是一个很困难的人”吧。当形容人时,difficult 意为“难以讨好的;难以Please don't be awkward about letting him come.关于让他来这事请你不要作梗。hitting 释义:n. 击中v. 击打;碰撞;使碰上;击中;产生不良影响;到达;遇到困难;使突然想起(h

You’ve put me into an awkward position.你使得我进退两难An awkward customer=a person who is difficult to deal with难对付的家伙Please don’t be awkward about let必修4 Unit&nbs a.Be wrong about误解某人b. It was natural that he should think so. 他如果那样想,就很正常啦。blog.sina.cn|基于3个网页更多释义例句

an awkward customer (= a person who is difficult to deal with) 难对付的家伙牛津词典Please don't be awkward about letting him come. 关于让他来这事请你不要作梗。Awkward Situation #2: You Laughed at a Joke You Didn’t Get It looks like this. [Fake laughing] And then, someone calls you on it. “So what do you think about that?”

She felt awkward about asking to borrow more money. 她对张口借更多的钱觉得不好意思。S+be+~+to-v The machine was very awkward to use. 这台机器很难操作。The mach短语:be awkward with sb. 和某人相处不自在的发音拼写:???kw?rd/ 7个中英文翻译例句:1. It was an awkward moment when I saw my ex-boyfriend on a date with my best friend


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