
with access to,give on

access的固定搭配 2023-12-03 12:29 815 墨鱼

with access to,give on

≥0≤ Access definition: the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance. See examples of ACCESS used in a sentence.access to 单语例句1. The nature of the airline business is to follow that trend and provide people with access to regions where their businesses are growing. 2

A:邻居;B:入口;C:接近;D:地方.根据句意:它离市中心很近.可知本题考查have/with access to"接近;靠近"这一固定短语,故本题答案为C选项;其余选项均不符合用法或句意. 点评本题考查单词填空,做此类题When sampling air in just one outdoor site, we detected many of the animals with access to an outdoor enclosure in that part of the zoo, for example

With Access to the Past,由歌手John Ammed Williams演唱,酷我音乐网提供With Access to the Past无损音乐,With Access to the Past免费无损下载,With Access to the Past高品质音WithaccesstoaPCshecoulddispense with herrelianceonhergranddaughterandmakenewfriendsaroundtheworld. 通过一台个人电脑,她能转移对孙女的依赖,并结交许多外地的朋友。ar

The meaning of ACCESS is permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a persoWhen using the Office family of products, should you use Excel or should you use Access to manage your tabular data? A companion article,Using Access or Excel to manage your data, di


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