

address例句 2023-12-15 15:03 744 墨鱼


32. I am looking for this address, am I in the right place? 我在找这个地址,我在的位置正确吗?33. Does this bus go to the center? 这辆公共汽车会去市中心吗?34. Do you knAt eight o'clock every evening she laid aside whatever she was doing to tell the children a story before they went to bed.每晚一到8点,她就丢掉手头在做的一切,给孩子们讲

address 单语例句1. It was to be followed by anaddressby Obama and Clinton to State Department employees. 2. Manufacturers or assemblers canaddressthis issue by including appropriate真题例句:This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. (E2. 2012. T1) 参考译文:

address做解决的例句1. We need to address the issue of poverty in our community. 2. The government has taken steps to address the high crime rate in the city. 3address的英语例句:1. Someone cranked up the volume of the public address system. 有人调大了公共广播系统的音量。2. I looked your address up in the personnel file. 我

ˇ△ˇ address vt.处理,解决eg:It’s a problem that hasn’t been addressed.那是一个尚未被解决的问题.如果你和我有类似的遭遇,渴望能进入一家外企,那么我建议你先做学前测试,了解清楚自己的口语水平,这

>▂< address的⽤法2:表⽰“在某地址”时,该地址如明确具体,address前⽤介词at,如较笼统,则可⽤in。  address的⽤法3:address的复数(addresses)可以表⽰“求爱时所献的)殷勤例句1: Here is the preliminary CAD for the Back Cover toaddressthe crack issue. 这是解决后盖开裂问题的初版图纸。例句2: Typically, Six Sigma teams are cross-functional


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