
take ones way,pick ones way

out of ones way 2023-11-13 10:45 699 墨鱼
out of ones way

take ones way,pick ones way

初中含way的短语有:No way 没门!by way of someplace.途径某地。in any way.无论如何。in no way.无论如何不;决不。put it another way.换言之。in a/the fami如果是take one's way to的话,就是“向……走去”。如果你能有句子拿出来更好,要综合context考虑嘛。比如Take your own way,and let talk.就理解成“走自己的路

take ones way to

走去take ones way towards向. 出发,. 向. 走去thatway 那边那样口(about, for)(同.) 在恋爱中; 非常喜欢the way of the world社会上的习惯The furthest wayabout is the nemake one's way 向前take one's way 中的one's一般都是明确的词比如my,her,his,your等一般都翻译成:出发也有这个词组take one's way to 翻译成:向走去

take ones way to do

9. on ones way to…在某人去……的路上l0. be with sb. 和某人在一起11. take the place of 代替:接替12. so that…如此……以至于……13. not as as…不如……take one's way to 读音汉语翻译向走去0 纠错

take ones way home

(`▽′) take one's own way 美英na.上…去英汉na. 1. 上去,向出发总而言之,请千万不要去迎合华人的刻板印象,不要“任劳任怨、忍气吞声、事不关己、保持沉默”,华人就是因为这样才不受重视,才更容易被所谓的同胞利用、欺压。T

take one's own way一意孤行take one's way toward向走去in one's way/in the way妨碍,阻碍be one's way就是这个习惯beat one's wayv. 偷乘车carve one's way开辟道make ones way to(out of)向…走去(从…走出) make up for 补偿be made of 由…制成(看得出原料) be made from 由…制成(看不出原料) be made up of 由…组成make phone of 嘲笑,和某人开玩


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