

Marriott hotel怎么读 2023-12-10 23:01 916 墨鱼
Marriott hotel怎么读


courtyard (n.) 1550s, fromcourt(n.) +yard(n.1). 双语例句1. Dena took them into thecourtyardto sit in the sun. 德娜带他们到院子里晒太阳。来自柯林斯例句2. The hocourtyard的意思、解释复数形式:courtyards; courtyard 基本解释名词天井;庭院,院子courtyard 网络解释1. 1. 万怡:JW万豪(JW Marriott),酒店管理培训资料该品牌为万豪酒

英['kɔ:tjɑ:dz] 美['kɔtjɑdz] 是什么意思n. 庭院,院子( courtyard的名词复数); 英英释义courtyard[ 'kɔ:t,jɑ:d ] n.an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls stole into thecourtyard. 她溜进了院子。——精选例句◎ 比邻3. Dena took them into thecourtyardto sit in the sun. 德娜把他们带到院子里坐在阳光下。——《

courtyard 畅通词汇英['kɔːtjɑːd]美['kɔːrtjɑːrd] n.庭院;院子Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计院子庭院courtyard的英文Nikol entered thecourtyard. 妮可走进庭院. 期刊摘选A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into thecourtyardbelow. 一阵狂风

courtyard 音标发音英式音标[ˈkɔːt.jɑːd] 美式音标[ˈkɔːrt.jɑːrd] 国际音标['kɔ:t,jɑ:d] 英式发音美式发音基本解释n. 庭院,院子;天井词根记忆courtyard 音标['kɒ:tjɑ:d] 读音汉语翻译n. 庭院,天井英语解释:名词courtyard: an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings 同义词:court 例句:Rise


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