

tangible造句 2023-11-27 16:45 933 墨鱼


very thorough; exhaustively complete 同义词:exhaustive, thoroughgoing 例句:We are trying to get athoroughunderstanding of the government's fiscal policy. 我们正2. Everything was in a thorough mess. 一切都是乱七八糟的。3. Still can in calmness that do, ache thorough heart. 仍然会在故做的平静中,痛彻肺腑。4. They made a t

3Thorough Understanding of Oneself 彻悟自我;彻底了解自己;透彻的了解自己4no thorough fare 此路不通5Broad thorough-fare 主干道6thorough a 完全的;详尽的;彻底的7THe doesn't have a thorough grasp of the problem. 他没有彻底理解这个问题。That has been a thorough waste of time. 这是十足的浪费时间。The film was

thorough造句复制1、After athoroughinvestigation, many experts now believe that the streak was a run-of-the-mill jet aircraft contrail.(经过彻底的调查,许多专家现1. thorough 1. You must promise me to take athoroughrest. 你得答应我彻底休息一下。2. He is athoroughscoundrel. 他是一个十足的无赖。3. The film was athoroughsucc

18、I overlooked some facts. I'll be morethorough. 19、Find the best market cut-in points of your products by means ofthoroughmarket investigation 21. You must promise me to take a thorough rest. 你得答应我彻底休息一下。2. He is a thorough scoundrel. 他是一个十足的无赖。3. 3. The film was a thorough success.

◆extremely thorough; done with a lot of care 彻底的;十分细致的。因此,精听就是要在短时间内对听力材料的每句话进行彻底的理解。听力处于初级/强化阶段的我们,暴露出的共性问单词thorough 例句大全,用单词thorough造句:National Dayround the corner. Let's give our bedroom athoroughclean. 国庆节要到了,我们把寝室彻底清扫一下吧。Both parti


标签: exertion造句



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