
stricken down,stricken的短语

struck down 2023-12-28 19:40 598 墨鱼
struck down

stricken down,stricken的短语

strike down 打倒,击毙;袭击,使病倒slow down strike 【经】怠工stay down strike n. 静坐罢工sit down strike 静坐be on strike 在罢工strike into 突然,开始(strike的过去分词有两个,分别是:struck和stricken。strike可作为名词和动词,其名词词义有:罢工;罢课;罢市;军事进攻;袭击;尤指)空袭;击打;踢等含义;动词词义有:撞击;碰撞;击打;踢(

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strike down英[straik daun]美[straɪk daʊn] strike down 词典解释形容词打倒,撞倒;打翻strike down 词典例句形容词He struck the guard down with his fist. 他挥拳stricken 显示所有例句adj. 1. 受煎熬的;患病的;遭受挫折的seriously affected by an unpleasant feeling or disease or by a difficult situation 2. 遭受…的;受…之困的s

strike down 读音汉语翻译击倒,杀死【法】击倒,杀死英语解释:动词strike down: declare null and void; make ineffective 同义词:cancel cause to die, especially sstrike down 重复播放v. 击倒,杀死英文解释动词:1. declare null and void; make ineffective;相似"Cancel the election results";例子"strike down a law"+ 看、听、说


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