

用healthy造句子 2023-12-21 19:39 195 墨鱼


junk造句复制1、I wouldn't have time to scout the area forjunk.(我不会有时间在那个地区找废物。2、They are certainly notjunk, and for some people, they may be t1.I hope what has been mentioned above will helpful and wish you have a goodjourney.(我希望上

o(╯□╰)o 15. junk message垃圾短信● The junk message has become a public hazard. 垃圾短信已经成为公共危害。16. empty nester空巢老人● In the coming decades, the number of emptjunk n.(名词)Discarded material, such as glass, rags, paper, or metal, that may be reused in some form.破烂,垃圾:丢弃的东西,如玻璃、碎布、纸片或金属等可以用某种方

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 单词Junk 例句大全,用单词Junk造句:I don't blame you. It's a piece ofjunk. 我不怪你,它是一堆垃圾。Drunk soul of a blindjunkie. 一个瞎瘾君子的酒醉灵魂。The IT dep1. The junk is often seen in this lake area. 在这个湖区舢板很常见。2. 2. The room is full of junk. 那间屋子里满是破烂儿。3. Get that junk off the table, will you!

junk 基本解释n.废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货,假货;废话,哄骗vt.丢弃,废弃;把…分成块junk 变化形式复数:junks 第三人称单数:junks 过去式:junked 过去分词:junked新买了iPad!生产力第一次用notability还需要磨合磨合,一些笔记的颜色还是有点儿混乱黄色:词组桃红色:翻译时要调整语序的词句紫色:生词继续加油嗷~!

˙▂˙ 大小写变形:Junk 点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义词态变化复数:junks; 第三人称单数:junks; 过去式:junked; 过去分词:junked; 现在分词:junking; 实用场景例句全部破烂物网络释义junk 显示所有例句n. 1. [u] 无用的东西;无价值的东西things that are considered useless or of little value 2. [u] 中国式帆船a Chinese boat with a square s


标签: 用result造句简单



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