
complicated造句,用happen to造句

tremendous造句 2023-11-13 23:50 137 墨鱼

complicated造句,用happen to造句

复杂造句句数:58条1、有的人云山雾罩,看起来很复杂,很有深度。2、喜欢错综复杂的人,通常处于昏迷的危险中。3、百思买正在提升它的极客组,在消费者们买这个..plicated语法:adj.形容词;v.动词complicate的过去式complicated同义词:complicated, complex, sophisticated complicated造句:Is poetry too complicat

25、I'm not sure about that. It's notcomplicated. It's easy to get a picture in half a day. It's not necessarilycomplicatedfor a few months. 26、TheThis is not as complicated as it sounds .这件事并不象听起来那样复杂。Our problems are huge and they're complicated .我们的问题很大,又很复杂。He was too complica

˙^˙ The novel is too complicated for your age. 这小说就你的年龄来说太复杂了。The tax laws are so complicated that only an expert can provide enlighten1、This is the mostcomplicated caseI have ever handled. 2、The evidence obtained from that woman shed some light on thiscomplicated case. 3、It is n

math problem.这个教授正在解释一个复杂的数学问题。The instructions look very complicated.这说明书看起来很难懂原指难辨兔的雄雌;比喻辨认不清是男是女。后来形容事情错综复杂;不容易看清真相。《复杂造句和解释_复杂的例句有哪些- 小孩子点读》由[小孩子点读]APP独家


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