

wicked造句简单 2023-11-30 20:59 547 墨鱼


13.knock at/on敲(门、窗等) Did you hear the knocks at the door?你听到敲门声了吗?14.laugh at嘲笑Don"t laugh at him; he"s very sensitive.千万别笑他,用“knock into”造句,You knock into me!你撞到了我,够简单吧26713 knock at the door造句You shouldn't knock at the door. 26713 求英语高手用这个句型

ˋωˊ 1、Please don'tknock downall those cans. 2、strong enough toknock downor overwhelm. 3、The storekeeper decided toknock downhis remaining winter stockknock造句1. He knocked on the door three times, but no one answered. 2. She knocked on the door and asked if I was home. 3. I knocked on the door but it was lock

knock造句类型英语造句1、They were interrupted by aknockat the door.(他们被敲门声打断了。2、Suddenly there was anotherknockat the door.(突然,又有人敲门。3、N轮船造句一年级简单?1、轮船慢慢地驶离海港,消失在远方的地平线上。2、轮船在波涛汹涌的海上缓慢地前进。3、在浩渺的大海上行驶着几艘轮船。4、轮船在波涛

一、用ON造句简单一点1.Please turn on the Tv 2.My book is on the desk 3.Your pen is on the table 4.My coat is on the bed 5.Turn on the light 6.There was a heavy k一、knock on 撞击;敲击(门、窗)例句:Knock on the door still so rhythmic continue.敲门声照旧那样有节拍地持

1、knocksb unconscious 2、knockover like skittles 3、maximumknock-out stroke 4、I didn'tknockanyone. 5、To pieces, rainknockCanhong. 6、Let'sknockof单词Knock 例句大全,用单词Knock造句:He is not a very accomplished pianist, but he canknockout a tune. 他不是一个造诣很深的钢琴察,但可以凑合着弹奏一曲。The driver


标签: board造句简单



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