

cram的英语定义 2024-01-03 23:38 994 墨鱼


雅思英语常用固定搭配短语词组to the minimum释义:to the minimum 到最低限度例句:To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of the Internet into full play, andI have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start引起兴趣

**Collocations固定搭配**: 正确的搭配很重要!https://ozdic/ **Synonym 近义词同义词**: 找找同近义词、找找灵感,更学术https://thesaurus/browse/synonym 书《英语短语搭配1. cram school 补习班;补习学校2. cram for 临时抱佛脚;匆忙准备;填鸭式地学习3. cram into 塞入;放入双语例句1. Lectures were called off so students could cra

全日制英国硕士的常见词汇和固定搭配正文下面所有的词汇和例句都在英国学习,用,听,看,都是学校、教职人员、同学使用过的,高频词汇必须掌握听、说、读、写这是一个固定搭配,表示according to the latest information about the numbers of sth「据最新统计数字」。「最新统计数字表明,GDP 下降了六个百分点」是不是闻到CCTV 的味儿了

prep. 围绕;绕过;大约;在……周围;在……各处n. 阶段;轮次;回合;常规活动;圆,圆形物;循环;固定路线v. (使)变圆;完成;四舍五入;围捕;绕行;进展;环行;发胖sto考查固定搭配,make no sense没有道理. 7. stricter,考查比较级,后面有than,所以用比较级. 8. making,考查动名词,apart from后跟动名词作宾语. 9. conclusions,

+△+ #不定期更新固定搭配,每次十个# C9T3P3 阅读材料の固定搭配应用:信息理论1. Sturn n. 土星2. highlight the astonishing power of techniques v. 强调了技术难以置信的力量learn a lot of facts in a short time, esp for an examination 突击式学习(尤指为应考) cram for a chemistry test 为应付化学考试而临时抱佛脚. (b) [Tn] teach (sb) in t


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