

culinary造句 2023-12-07 15:05 270 墨鱼


复数staff 过去式staffed 过去分词staffed 现在分词staffing 第三人称单数staffs 雅思常考例句For instance, um, we could interview some of thestaff, and 单词staff 例句大全,用单词staff造句:Thought of the MedicalStaffAbide by Medical Ethics under the New Situation 新形势下医务人员恪守医德的几点思考An integrated sy

1. "One thing you can never insure against is corruption among yourstaff."—Agreed." “永远也防不胜防的就是员工内部的_。”——“同意。”2. A skeleton staff of 2n.五线谱;拐杖;权杖;全体职工(或雇员) v.在…工作;任职于;为…配备职员网络员工;工作人员;全体职员复数:staves复数:staffs现在分词:staffing过去式:staffed 搭配同义词ad

╯^╰〉 He joined the staff last year. 他去年入职。例句:The staff in this restaurant are nice. 这家餐馆里的店员人都很好。管理人员[C] 例句:The DirectorStaff的例句1.The staff were very good 职员都很出色。2.10 staff were allocated to the task 10名员工被分配来完成这项任务。3.They are staffed by vol

1. A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。2. Relatives besieged the shipping office and plied the staff with anxious in(n.) A long piece of wood; a stick; the long handle of an instrument or weapon; a pole or srick, used for many purposes; as, a surveyor's staff; the staff of a sp

8、The party has been recruiting staff, including temporary staff. 9、Floor implementing staff and floor working staff of this Corporation. 10、staf(British English)We have 20 part-time members ofstaff. 我们有20名兼职员工。牛津词典(North Amercian English)staffmembers 职工牛津词典staffdevelopment/training


标签: fundraiser造句



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