
stick with造句,stick的用法和例句

stick造句 2023-11-24 10:18 964 墨鱼

stick with造句,stick的用法和例句

He's been sticking with the company for over 10 years. (他已经坚守这家公司超过10年了。用法:stick with通常用于表示坚持某种决定、计划、想法、方法、团队等,表示不改stick with 【读音】:英[stik wið]【造句】:If you stick with something, you do not change to something else.【翻译】:如果你所做的工作能让你很忙,

Then stick with the last bedtime.───然后坚持最后一次就寝的时间。If you're in a job that keeps you busy, stick with it.───如果你所做的工作能让你很忙,那要坚类型英语造句1、If I were you, Istick with it.(如果我是你,我会坚持下去。2、For now, let'sstick with the simple usage.(对于目前来说,我们还坚持采用简单方式。3、T

stick造句1. I always carry a stick with me when I go hiking in case I encounter any wild animals. 2. The dog loves to play fetch with a stick in the park. 3. The1、Pick one andstick with it. 2、When you have a winner,stick with it. 3、So why does Mr Cameronstick with it? 4、If youstick with itlong enough and

18、If not,stick withthe originals, and be sure to deal with the exception if and when it happens. 19、Since Christmas is coming soon, should I justsKaka AC Milan fans must stick with us!卡卡米兰球迷必须和我们一起坚持!35 degrees and no AC, it could be a sticky day!35度的天气竟然没有空调,粘糊糊的。It's not on

用to stick with造句挺难的But sometimes you need to stick with it and stay the course但是有时候你需要坚持下去不误入歧途But sometimes you need to stick with it an13.The people of the village take revenge on the thieves by beating themwithstick 村子里的人们用棍棒打窃贼报复-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考好评(10)差评() 14.She str


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