

price performance ratio 2023-12-07 10:23 348 墨鱼
price performance ratio


英文短句/例句1.The Research of the Method of Controlling Price and the Ratio of Performance and Price about Xi an Economic Affordable House;西安市经济适用房价格说手机性价比高的英文广告词1.intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无所不能。摩托罗拉) 2.connecting people. 科技以人为本。诺基亚) 3.let's make things better. 让我

性价比的英文发音:用"性价比"造句cost performance 性:nature; character; 价:a male servant 比:2 下载手机词典可随时随地查词查翻译关注微信公众号:chachacidian,我们买东西的时候经常会说这个性价比高,买这个!那性价比高,英文咋说呢?doge]#英语地道表达发布于2021-08-13 11:50 小布英文库一起来分享给朋友们看看吧:笔记评论SMALLFISHME

1性价比的英文:cost performance price performance ratio or price-performance 2性价比的英文参考例句:The company offers great buys on computer software. 公司可提供性价cost effective 高性价比cost performance 性价比——jingrui

性价比例句:Now consumers pay more attention to the price-performance ratio. 现在消费者购物更注重性价比。当然也有人只逛不买,被称为“浏览器购物”,性价sexual 价异构性valence 调整性降价corrective 抗爆性砰价法antiknock 价的valent 价比price 价price 从价valorem 掠夺性削价predatory 竞争性削价predatory 最新单词莫

性价比英语:cost-performance ratio。ratio n. 比率,比例短语contrast ratio [电子] 对比率; 比照度; [经] 反性价比的英文:cost performance price performance ratio or price-performance 具体请参考wikipedia的如下网址:Price/performance_ratio 参考例句:The comp


标签: 性能英文



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